The story begins… Vain autumn challenges cold winter for more time to show off his spectacular colours and delicious fruits. In the struggle that follows, the Moon, trying to separate the two seasons, is torn apart and falls in 6 pieces to the earth. There she sinks into a deep hibernation, and her strange dreams spill out to fill the world with confusion. Resolving to mend the hurt they have caused, Autumn and Winter gather a team of brave adventurers and set off to find the sleeping moon…
So begins the story behind Luna de Sueños, a lantern procession in Chicago’s Millennium Park as part of the Museum of Modern Ice, running through February 2008.
Local artists worked with students from the Multicultural Arts School in Chicago’s Little Village to brew stories, shape lanterns and devise puppet shows. Artists from Creeping Toad came in initially in November 2007 and then throughout February to support the weaving of these elements into a single story and to facilitate the final processions.
The story ends… And at the end, having tasted the dreams of the sleeping Moon, the company call her back to the night sky and, reunited, Luna de Sueños can shine down us as we follow the dancing faeries of spring into a new season…
YouTube interview with Gordon in Chicago
Creeping Toad artists
Chicago artists
Luna dreams…
of couch potatoes,
of a frozen wave,
of a princess in an ice tower,
of a pot-bellied stove and ice skating penguins,
of a gasoline fish tank,
of a Luna egg that can hatch a penguin big enough to hold one face of her many faces